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Brentwood Park is the most expensive and prestigious non-gated/private neighborhood in Brentwood. The character of this highly sought after area is protected by strict CC&Rs and zoning regulations governing setbacks and minimum lot size. Homes must be at least fifty to one hundred feet from the street, and fifteen to twenty-five feet from side property lines. Brentwood Park is distinguished by eight landscaped roundabouts and traffic islands, a hallmark remnant of dozens that originally dotted every intersection in the community.
Unsurprisingly, this coveted neighborhood has seen a proliferation of redevelopment in recent years. Virtually all two bedroom homes have been demolished, with three bedroom residences now following suit. Properties under 4,000 s.f. are becoming scarce and homes up to 5,000 s.f. are razed on a regular basis. The estates which replace them are generally 6,000 s.f. and larger. Street frontages are meticulously landscaped and the majority of homes are gated. Swimming pools are prevalent throughout the community. Select estates offer detached guest houses and additional amenities including tennis courts, theaters, and gyms.
The Brentwood Park Property Owners Association (BPPOA) was incorporated in 1942 to enforce deed restrictions. Today, in addition to overseeing proper land use, the BPPOA organizes annual social events and finances a 16 hour a day, 7 day a week security patrol. For detailed information on the history of Brentwood Park and the BPPOA please visit their website.
Total Homes: Approx. 460
Year Built: 1920s - Present
Bedrooms: 3 - 8
Bathrooms: 3 - 13
Home Size: 3,500 s.f. - 15,000 s.f.
Lot Size: 1/3 acre to 1 acre +
Price: $6,000,000 - $20,000,000
HOA Dues: $500 annually
Note: The above figures represent the typical range for the community. Exceptions exist and prices may change.
Dues and services covered by the homeowners association are subject to change.